Friday, November 30, 2012


I live close to a wooded area of Como Park that was heavily damaged during the derecho back in July. Many trees were topped, and some were uprooted. At the time, I marveled at the change. It was a whole new playground. Now that the leaves have passed, the emptiness is much more apparent.

Having already made a creative investment in a small piece of property within the park, I decided to start making improvements. Four months late, and F.F.E.M.A was born.

Sure, hundreds, if not thousands, of birds remain homeless. However, as time progresses I'll install more boxes in the area.

Friday, November 23, 2012

#28-33 The Executive Suite

The Executive Suite was a commission of six boxes. The client stipulated 'clean lines, easy care, and something cottage like or town home.' I did some research and was really inspired by mid century and modern town home designs.

Each box is sourced from a variety of woods, both clean and aged. Every piece was sanded and oiled at least twice to bring out the natural warmth of the grains. The facades were oiled three times. All screws are countersunk except for the swivel lock on the back. Black walnut trims out a 1 1/2" portal ideal for a blue bird of happiness. An angled hole is drilled in the back of each for easy hanging (not pictured).

Salvaged wood and knobs, purchased hinges.

Executive Suite facade and swivel locking mechanism.

The facades being oiled and arranged. 

My First Show

On November 10th I participated in my first vendor show at The Grange Audubon Metro Park...pretty appropriate, if you ask me.

It was a beautiful day, and I had a prime spot with the city skyline in the background.

And, the compliments!
"...a lot of talent and imagination."
"Beautiful presentation. 
"Very cool!"
While the sales weren't high, the energy and encouragement were. I even pulled a commission. More on that in the next round.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

#27 Open Faced Sandwich

#27 Open Faced Sandwich

One spindle of roast beef, and a board of Swiss cheese just isn't complete without a handful of bird seed or a chunk of dry bread. Go on, feed the beasts.

Palette wood, trim, chair spindles, bed railing and plexiglass. Angled nail mount on back, with stabilizer hole at the bottom.


#25 John

#25 John

This is a rehab unit. The previous book facade didn't weather well, and had to be scrapped. After the cross came down I struggled to find a suitable replacement. This panel was begging for use.

Two screws remove the face for clean out. The two nails guide and support the new addition.


Pre rehab

#25 High Tide

#25 High Tide

This beach house is 100% safe from flooding... if you hang it high enough.

Life preserver and shark were pulled from the mighty Olentangy. The body and bobber were found snagged at Griggs Reservoir.

The back is unattached, held on by the nylon rope and a slide bolt mounted to the upper boardwalk.



Tuesday, November 13, 2012

No. 1

This one's a very special piece.

No. 1 was presented on what would have been Ian's 16th birthday. It was installed on his memorial tree at a local school. The entire box was crafted from Ian's personal belongings.

No. 1, is stamped on the box, the scrabble pieces, and relates to lineage.

The baseline of the A is uplifted, and doubles as support for the perch (a mate straw). Chains may always be interpreted as bondage: family, love, earth. In this case they not only hold the box to the tree, but frame out the facade while holding the door closed (should the tiny latch fail). The sprinkler is inverted so as to act as a crown, which seemed appropriate with the word Viking on it.

The harmonica may not be a Bose sound system, but if the wind blows in the right direction...
Most of the items were painted in white and silver to unify and protect them. The interior of the cigar box was rubbed with Linseed oil.


#24 Shabby Shack

#24 Shabby Shack

The Shabby Shack used to be shiny. As the City grew up around it the grime took hold. Now, only one spot fails to yield!

This pre-fab cabinet was found at a thrift store. I drilled the hole, distressed the paint, and added some broken trim and skids. A new floor was cut and oiled to give extra weight to the bottom. Hinged front door with magnet catch, hanging loop on roof


Monday, November 12, 2012

#23 The Manor

#23 The Manor

Mounted and raised, as any fine thing should be, The Manor is built upon hinges and brass. The exterior has been oiled and trimmed.

Most of this construct was found in a single location. The hinges were a gift from my neigbor, and the handles are from a set of drawers that I recently gave to a friend so that he could build a colony nest with them.

Hinged roof, solid back.



#22 The Sleepy Owl

#22 The Sleepy Owl

This drowsy predator would love to have two families brooding in his belly.

The body and eyebrows are made from a board found outside a Vet's office in Alexandria, Oh (pop. >100!). The front feathers were pulled from a pallet stamped Hecho En Mexico.

Hung via pipe clamps and rope, single door in the back for dual chamber access.



#21 The Oracle Knows

#21 The Oracle Knows

The eye is a powerful portal, yet a delicate thing.

The body is made from what appears to be crib railing, while the facade is fencing and trim adorned with steel pulled from the Olentangy river.

Small door in the back, with built in swivel lock.


Thursday, November 8, 2012

#20 The Cocked Hat

#20 The Cocked Hat

Formerly, Rear Admiral (and for a very short time The Poop Deck), this "private" Naval Officer's Club has gone through a lot of hands.

A solid body, with a lot of trim.



Now Vending!

With the way the numbers have been coming up lately, you'd think I was crazy.

You'd be right.

I decided to participate in my first vending experience, and will be attending the Grange Audubon Metro Park's 3rd Annual Holiday Shop Around.

Here's my card.

Lots of never before seen birdhouses. I hope to see you there!

#18 Buck-Eye In The Sky Flight School

#18 Buck-Eye In The Sky Flight School
Co-Ed Dorms

One board was used to make both bodies, knots were forced in to natural entries. A tailgate netted some very appropriate beer caps that really finished off the set.


#19 The Ice Box

#19 The Ice Box

This frigid, all white construct could have easily become gaudy. I was told it was done (twice) before I even thought I'd started.

The interior is deeper than normal, but comes with a built in ladder for better gripping on entry and exit.

Made from a drawer, a cabinet door, spindles, a bed railing, nylon rope and hardware. Interior magnet lock.


F.F.E.M.A Installation