
bortmas bird houses This page is all about a visual inventory of what I've started, places I'd like to go, and concepts to explore.

So far, many of the bird houses have been designed around a perch. Of course, I still have a few naked facades awaiting the proper element, so that's just another starting point.

I'm usually actively working on two to three bird houses at a time, as well as other constructions.

bortmas bird houses
These entries have been sitting around for a while, and seem to be getting buried in bigger concepts. Sticks and bricks and grassy things, but more to come on that later. ;)

bortmas bird houses rust elements

My lovely neighbor has dubbed my half of the yard as "Tetanus Alley". I should probably get a booster shot soon, since scrapes and cuts seem to be part of the package.

More pieces, more ideas, and more pics... Coming soon!


3 Little Pigs
Eliot Nest

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